The Family BBC – Chapter 5


The smell inside was atrocious! I’d rather have been forced to have sex near an active garbage dump. Mold, old condoms, more piss than shit but not by much, all contributed to the stench in the Stadium’s ground floor. I was the only one who coughed. Leland handed a ten dollar bill to the clerk and received a key. “Third floor. Room B.”

The room barely fit a cot with a thin mattress. It was stained all over but not as badly as the carpet. Leland cracked open the window. It opened a couple inches. Loretta sank her huge butt on the cot. She must have had surgery on her breasts too – you’d run out of letters of the alphabet trying to label their size. I felt sorry for her. Somehow being blackmailed by a horny sixty year-old didn’t seem like a problem worth mentioning in that room. I stood just inside the doorway.

“Take off your clothes, Lela.” Leland continued to anonymize me. As I unbuttoned and shucked off the few articles on my body, I looked for hooks to hang them from instead of letting them touch the mottled green indoor-outdoor carpet. The walls were nearly as gross. Peeling paint revealed mold infused drywall.

“She a pretty, white cunt, Leland.” Loretta gave my naked figure a cursory eye. “What the fuck am I doing here for thirty five bucks and ’bout as many minutes?”

“You gonna give her the tour.” Leland’s speech pattern edged closer to slums street talk. “Lisa thinks she knows her body, but she don’t know what it means to be a bitch.”

“Maybe we got time to teach her rocket science while we at it.” The thick, short woman snorted. She tugged off her top. The number of scars on her huge tits increased as they got closer to her nipples. She was missing half of her left nipple. I wanted to throw up, seeing how awful she’d been treated. “What’s your name, Honey?”

She looked up at me. I looked at Leland. He told her, “It’s Colleen.”

My sadness for her launched anger. “Did you do any of that to her, Leland?”

“Nah, the old cock hero don’t do this stuff.” Loretta studied her tits. “He fucks you up other ways.”

“I always treated you right.” Leland assured. I had heard him say that before.

“These tits made a black dude a lot of money in my best days, when they were smaller.”

“I told you they was big enough. You had to listen to Jason.”

“I don’t talk bad about my daddy, Nigger. You know that.” I had seen how she talked bad to her pimp. “Jason didn’t dump me like Paul and Grover. He still got my roof and breakfast.”

“Show her your twat.” Leland sounded as if he was mentally counting minutes.

I didn’t want to see it, but when I turned my head away from Loretta’s final disrobing, he threw a box of Tic-Taks at me. “Look at her, you white fucking princess!”

I grimaced before even recognizing what the ravaged woman had for a vulva. It was bald, but she’d never need to shave again. Her entire groin was a burn scar.

“I’m so sorry.” I couldn’t not cry.

“This how you gonna break her?” Loretta looked up at the frowning black man.

“Look closer, Bitch, or I’ll drag your face to that awful twat!” I swear Leland sounded like he was about to break out in tears.

I hustled closer to the cot and leaned over. I didn’t see a clit. She’d had collagen injections to her outer labia. The sight of her distorted and burned sex compelled me to ask an awful question. “Can you feel any pleasure?”

“Damn, Leland, I think I’m gonna cry.” Loretta mocked us.

“Answer her, Loretta.”

“Sho nuff, Massa!” She widened the split of her thighs and reached down to her distended lips. Prying them apart reveled a flat spot where there should have been a clitoris. “I cut it off to even it up from what it used to look like.” She shocked me when she began fingering the flat dot once hidden by the surgically enhanced hood. “I can still feel something.” Her face lost its sassy expression then. “Inside is ripped up too, but my G-spot can still make me cum.”

An unexpected sigh of intense gratitude for the woman, erupted from my throat. “Why? Why are you doing this?” I looked at Leland, not caring if he walloped me.

“Because you don’t know how gods damned lucky you are to be in my care.”

“You mean, she was a submissive?” I sensed that Loretta had overcome it, if true, but the price had been horrific.

“I always been a black bitch to men. Enoughs of them like fucks with attitude, I made my way easy for a time.”

“Loretta just got unlucky too many times. Her pimps cared less each time she got more hurt. You,” Leland angered. “Are a fucking pin doll!” He suddenly unbuckled his belt. “Make room for her, Loretta.” He pulled out his wide, leather belt!

I stepped backwards. “No! I haven’t done anything wrong!”

“Don’t care, Bitch. Get down to that cot and lay over the whore’s lap!”

“Better do it, Colleen. You fight now, you’ll hurt worse later.” The heavy titted and ass woman patted her scarred thighs.

“No, please. Why?”

“The only way to understand is to take a fucking beating!” Leland advanced, and I got the distinct impression that he would belt me standing, worse than if I presented my ass from Loretta’s lap!

I ducked past him and fell across the woman’s thighs. A second later I screamed from his first swing and CRACK across my ass! “AAAA!!!”


Tears poured from me as the pain in my behind magnified from each successive blow. But Leland wasn’t belting in anger. He threw mighty swats of his belt upon my purpling flesh, mindfully timing his swats to every other second.

I kicked and batted my fists against the thin mattress! I screamed and twisted! Loretta proved incredibly strong, holding me down securely while her john whipped my white ass! “Relax yo ass, Colleen. Won’t sting so bad.” She advised.

I tried, but each stroke interrupted attempts to fight my body’s natural reaction to stiffen just in time for the next smash of Leland’s belt!

The woman holding me for my ‘spanking,’ whispered. “He good at not leaving scars. Just lots of hurt is all.” It was spare comfort, but somehow the words helped me to withstand ücretsiz deneme bonusu veren siteler the blows.

“This is your lesson, Cunt! I’ll treat you right on my terms. Don’t need no excuses. If I whip you, it’s because I’m gonna to enjoy it! My big black dick is loving yo ass turn red!”

One minute into my beating, I was a wreck, emotionally and physically limp. He stopped when I had become a lump of flesh that further blows wouldn’t educate.

Words were spoken. The room spun. Loretta picked me up and lay me face down on the cot. “You better get on your hands and knees. It won’t be as bad that way.”

What won’t be? I didn’t have the breath to ask. I obeyed as best I could, rising slowly. Shuffling clothes whispered in my ears.

Leland spoke but not to me. “You want some of this? You use to like how it filled you. I told Jason I wouldn’t touch ya, but you be welcome to put it in by yerself.”

“You’re sweet, Old Nigger Full of Junk. I see you sometime and knock knees maybe then. You still got no place?”

“Flop house. The other guys would love you.”

“They can’t afford even my freaky ass.”

Their talk gave me time to find a kneeling postion that hurt the least. My ass remained on fire, and my eyes dripped, but I believed Loretta. If being on hands and knees wouldn’t hurt as badly, I worked my defeated limbs to turn me into a table with a weeping cunt.

I couldn’t understand why it was wet. I’d never been less aroused, sexually. I only wanted to fall unconscious. And yet, I wondered if the pain and my pride was suppressing erotic arousal. I think now that the intensity of my suffering diminished notably as I waited for Leland to mount me.

“You doing this because you miss her.” Loretta said a strange thing. I turned my dull head at them.

“Now you just being a busybody.” He stepped around her and walked his knees onto the cot until his large erection was aimed at my behind.

SLAP! “OWWW!” He caned his hard dick across my purple butt! “Spread your knees wider, Bitch.”

“OKAY! OKAY!” I shifted my right knee to that edge of the cot. My butt jiggled, and another lance of pain shot up my spine! “OOHH!!” A fat prick head pressed into my vulva, seeking the depths therein.

The hollows of my burning buttocks jerked spasmodically, as he rubbed his pulsating cock along my wet slit. Leland worked the blood-inflated head of his rigid shaft up and down the length of my hair-lined furrow until he found the snug opening to my wetly cringing cunt. Ramming forward with all the strength of his aging back and legs, he drove his massive length into my tender pussy with one merciless lunge.

I wilted before his attack, wailing in pain. My tormented body shook the cot, hips jerking futilely to escape the spearing girth. All effort was useless. His iron rod impaled me like a biologist’s specimen on a display card. My body rocked forward on my hands and knees from his thrust.

His stiff manhood crammed deeper into my straining flesh until his hairy loins smacked my beaten ass! I screeched, but he ignored my suffering, focused solely on his pleasure. A fraction of his black girth showed from my hideously stretched cunt lips. He paused for a second or two, completely submerged in the private recess of my quivering belly. The warm, wet walls of my unwilling cunt tightly clasped around the great length and breadth of his phallus.

Leland didn’t wait. He didn’t even allow me to adjust to the presence of his fat cock buried nearly to the hilt. He just began to fuck, ramming in and out of my widely stretched pussy like some feral, rutting animal. His only goal was to shoot a new, hot sticky load of churning semen deep up my submissive, abused fuck hole. He’d last shot into me nearly a week ago, and that had only been down my throat!

“Jesus, Leland!” Loretta exclaimed. “Don’t know many bitches who can take all of your junk. Honey, you in a special club of cunts!”

“Don’t let praise go to your head, White Slut! I’m trying to teach you be humble!” My innate submissiveness wasn’t good enough for him. He cracked his heavy palm against my aching ass, and I screamed, “I won’t!” Having a cunt big enough for Leland’s mighty, pounding pylon was no praise. I feared it would inspire him to take me more frequently!

He kept humping long, swift strokes. Leland had barricaded his mind against my weeping. I sobbed from unbearable humiliation before his whore friend. He slid his hands along the sides of my thrashing body, shoving them under my tits and began to maul them. I groaned over and over again as he maniacally rode my straining fuck split which was barely able to accomodate his desire. His grinding groin smacked my helplessly ass until the wet thud of his loins resounded in the tiny room. Big fingers tugged at my dangling nipples while he savagely pummeled me.

“Nooooooooo!” I was unused such pain! And yet a buffer grew between his abuse and my experience of it, as if soft clouds formed in my mind and absorbed half. I didn’t understand those clouds which seemed to hide merciful, joyful angels.

“Shut up Bitch and move it – move your ass,” he growled.

“Please, Leland, you’re killing me!” I blubbered.

“Hump your sorry, whipped ass!” he commanded, painfully squeezing my full tits.

I sobbed and commenced a jerky, unwilling rotation of my agonized ass up against his riveting cock, praying his fingernails cutting into my hanging tits would relent. Long red marks followed the paths of his punishing fingers scraping down my sides! My misery and subjugation grew proportionately to his savage lust.

His long, hard strokes beat my wet, tightly clasping passage. With each out-thrust, he withdrew his rigid hardness until only the lust-swollen head remained inside my tortured cunt. Then he would lunge with animal strength until his scrotum hair tangled my cunt curls. I groaned helplessly as my straining vagina was plundered by his bestial onslaught, my ripe body driven forward with each jackhammering. His large hands kept me from slipping off his lengthy yeni üye olanlara deneme bonusu veren siteler skewer. Leland’s monstrous cock head kept diving in and out of my aching cunt.

“Leland, I never seen you like this. I’d be afraid of you giving me a beating and fucking so mean.”

“I’m not book smart, Loretta.” He growled. “This the only way I know to educate a privileged white woman.”

My tormentor suddenly speeded his penetration of my defenseless pussy, pummeling my burning ass without mercy nor care for my pleasure. The sound of his deep animal grunts filled the room, along with my pitiful moans, them mingling with the noise of flesh slapping against abused flesh and the moist sound of his pile-driving cock lancing through my tortured cunt! Ignoring my cries of agony and shame, he grasped and pinched my tits again.

I could only imagine he wanted to possess and slowly destroy this white cunt who had never shown any willingness to accept his rapes, nor given any sign of enjoying them. Distended by lust, his angrily pulsing cock swelled in my tight pussy until I could dare hope my suffering would end or at least the strange, buffering clouds in my head would protect me better.

Leland plunged deep, deep up into my trembling cunt, ramming mercilessly. I wanted to withhold my squeals, because I was sure he enjoyed them, but my willpower had surrendered. The soft clouds hugging my senses remained fuzzy as to their origin, but they were indeed merciful. Still, I cried out again and again with each angry thrust and finger dig into my nipples. Goaded my by tempered cries, Leland stroked harder and harder, his steel hard battering flesh splitting my tightly yielding pussy as an axe would a log.

“Ooooh, please, please stop!” I wailed. “I can’t take all of you – you’re oh, Gods!”

Harder and faster he fucked, a crazed bull without any feeling except with his wildly moving prick. Leland committed entirely to fucking his lesson into me! Our junk crashed together with lewdly responding slaps and my outcries, colliding with sadistic repetition. My stomach churned, but my loins increased their lubrication and through a veiled mechanism strengthened my virtual pain barrier.

Leland kept drubbing in and out of me, like some mad machine or rutting beast spurred to new effort from the heated buildup inside his seething loins. The base of his cock jammed into my tightly quivering cunt! I knew with a certainty now that he was about to cum. He rammed forward with all his energy, the full extent of his incited cock cruelly impacted my battered cervix.

“AAAA!!!” I yelled, a futile gesture which may have triggered his eruption. Boiling, impatient sperm burst from his loins, and he crushed my mauled breasts.

“Hnnnn!” Loretta also reacted to my outcry, smugly hiding her deduction of its meaning.”

Wildly, Leland tugged on my tits, and his mighty cock swelled from the rush of sperm through it. He howled as he came. Thick goo scalded my insides, fiery bursts flooding the overflowing cavern of my packed pussy. Leland pumped his spitting dick a few times in an effort to milk his balls completely dry with my shuddering cunt, but the enormous shaft continued to spew cum until his pubic hair was matted and our shaking thighs were saturated with the run-off.

I sought Loretta, with tear-glazed begging eyes as the last hot dregs of sticky sperm spewed into my pussy. He fell forward, crushing me down against the cot. He sudden weight against my burning behind, sent additional shockwaves through my battered soul. However, I was nearly numb to pain by then. I couldn’t believe I had remained conscious through my ordeal.

Loretta’s voice was void of sass. “I used to ask Leland to be my pimp, when I wasn’t so messed about. His wife urged him to make that kind of money, but he refused. He said he never wanted to be so mean to a cunt. Shelly-“

“Shut the fuck up, Whore!” Leland roared! His prick began to retreat, to grow limp, and he breathed deeply, no satisfaction in his voice.

I lay still then, staring at the scarred woman, my tear-streaked face a contorted mass of pain. She stepped over and petted my hair. She didn’t have to bend over to reach it. “Don’t think, from now on, you got a choice in whatever Leland wants.”

“I won’t.” I sobbed. “I know that now.”

To Leland, she muttered something about making a woman cum but not letting her enjoy it. It didn’t make any sense to me.

He ignored her and rolled off of me, sticky cum stretching from his pubes to mine as his prick sluiced out of my spunk drenched cunt. He sat up on the end of the cot, looking away from me.

Loretta gave sympathy with her eyes and gentle pets but sent no clue of her smug understanding of my experience.

Rapid blows struck the stinking room’s door! “Time’s up, you black bitch! There better not be a dick in you, or I’ll take what that costs out of your hide!” Jason yelled.

The mutilated whore picked up her clothes and hurried to answer the door. “All right, all right already, Daddy.” She began donning her plastic garb in front of the young, white pimp.

He looked her over and decided he hadn’t been cheated. “How did the lesson go?”

“It not my place to tell.” She hustled him away from the room. Somehow she had leeway under Jason’s strict control. That didn’t get my attention at the time.

“C-can I go home?” I whimpered, curling up into a ball, my ass still on fire.

“We still got ten minutes for the room. Come over here and clean me. He meant, suck him.

Leland grabbed my head and forced my mouth on his sagging prick before I could see his face.

I licked and sucked until he said, “Time’s up. Get your things, Colleen.” His prick had only gotten softer in my busy mouth. He went out into the hall and closed the open door, allowing me to dress in private. My mind was too fried to think anything of it.

Leland escorted me down the stairs and out into the street where the two men at the entrance laughed at me and gave him arm-bar gestures. “HNNGGHH! yeni site deneme bonusu HNNGGHH!” They grunted, smiling. “Fug dat whi-wom!” They parodied their own speech patterns.

Leland nodded, but he didn’t smile. He’d kept a blank expression since I met him outside the hotel room’s door.

We walked to my car. “How old is Loretta?”

“She’s 47, been whoring since she was 15. I told her years ago to go independent, but she likes the goodies pimps give for bonuses.”

I remembered how Jason tried to sell a drug for Loretta’s enjoyment. “She’s hooked?”

“Nah, likes to get high from time to time. Pimps take a whore’s money, all of it and pays for the things he decides she needs.”

When we reached my tired Volvo, I surprised myself. “Do you need a ride?”

“You just want me to drive, so you don’t have to sit on your sorry ass.” He snorted and walked into the neighborhood’s gloom.

At every stop, I had to lift my butt from the agonizing car seat. Several times, cars behind me honked when I hesitated in front of a green light.

When I reached our home’s street, I parked away from the house and examined my face in the mirror. I looked like the mess I had been brutalized into. Makeup had run over my chin, down my neck, and onto the tops of my breasts. My face was like a gender bending rocker’s after an intense performance.

I got out of the Volvo and fluffed the back of my skirt to cool my inflamed butt. I had stuffed my panties in my purse before leaving the hotel room. I sneaked into our backyard, quietly unlocking the gate and shutting it behind me. I wondered how George had handled my time of infidelity. Our bedroom window was dark. I crept to the back door and put my ear to its small window.

“Daddy, Ridley changed the channel again!” Peg wailed from the front room.

“I had to, Pop. She only watches stupid stuff. Don’t I get a turn?” Ridley defended loudly.

“Figure it out between yourselves. You’re too old to act that immaturely.” My husband spoke softly, but he was close to the back door. I heard him clearly. Peeking, I saw him sitting at the table, tapping idly on the display tablet’s screen. Only its dim screen and light from the living room illuminated the kitchen. I saw his slumping outline, and my heart weighed heavier for it.

I considered washing my face using the garden hose, but my makeup needed soap or cold cream to remove fully. I dared to unlock the back door and ease it open just enough to look through. “George!” I hissed softly.

Dull eyes turned on me. “Wha-“

“Shhhhh!” I interrupted. “I can’t let the kids see me.”

His body turned slowly. A flash of concern wiped off his vacant looking face. I quailed, waiting for his judgement. Would he flush me from our home and send me away forever? I wouldn’t have blamed him. Hells, I wanted encourage that. I was no longer a wife to him, but a toy for another man’s pleasure. Somehow, hope remained in my heart.

“Kids!” He shouted suddenly. Fuck, he wanted to them know how far I had fallen.

“I’ll give you twenty dollars to go to the store and get ice cream. You mom will be home soon.

“What flavor, Daddy?” That was Peg’s limited ability to suck up to her father.

“I want Rocky Road!” Ridley shouted.

I closed the door when feet thudded closer. He gave them each ten dollars. “Get two pints and keep the change.”

Our young teens dashed to the front. I stepped inside after hearing that door slam shut. I hung my head and started crying.

“Come on, Leen.” George came over and hugged me gently. “The one thing I can understand is how awful this is for you.”

“If you only knew-“

“My imagination is bad enough.”

He helped me to our private bathroom and sat on our bed while I washed my face. He said, “I didn’t hear the car.”

“I left it down the street.” I turned to him from the sink’s mirror, but he was already heading out of our bedroom. He moved the car to our driveway and returned.

I was in the bath, soaking my burning behind in hot water and plenty of bubble-bath. I didn’t dare let him see my deep bruises.

“Can I come in?”

“Please, Honey. I don’t deserve your forgiveness.” I tried to joke. “Until maybe tomorrow.”

He shook his head and frowned. “What can I do?”

“Stop thinking about me.” I elaborated. “I don’t mean stop caring. I would die if I lost your affection. I literally mean, don’t think about me during the times I’m gone. That would eat up your insides. Two personalities, remember?”

“I’ll try.” He sighed. “H-how long until-” His voice trailed off.

“Until the next time?” I shook my head. “I don’t know, but it’ll probably be soon. I think he wants to prove something.”

My husband clenched his lips tight, draining the blood from them. “Do you want me to sleep on the couch tonight?”

“For the gods sakes!” I burst angrily! “I’m the one who should sleep on the couch! I’ve wronged you horribly.”

“I feel numb, Colleen.” His hands trembled at his sides.

“Give me a second alone.” I asked.

Nodding, he shut our bathroom door between us. I got out of the tub and tied a towel around my hips, flinching from the pressure of fluffy terrycloth on my asscheeks. I opened the door and went to him, hugging my husband with my soapy tits and arms. “Feel me, please. I’m back, and I’m yours.”

George tenuously returned my embrace, slower than he had when he met me at the kitchen door.

“Mom doesn’t like marshmallows!” Peg accused from the living room.

“Sure she does!” Ridley argued. “Everybody likes marshmallows.”

Soon there was a knock. “We got ice cream!” Our son announced. “Peg got boring old strawberry.”

“Strawberry’s good for you! Healthier than Rocky Road. Actual road probably tastes better.”

“Mooom!” They must have seen my car in the driveway.

“Ignore them.” I whispered.

He told them, “Fix yourselves some. Your mother and I need our sleep.”

“Oooo-lala!” Peg sang. They went away and argued in the kitchen while scooping ice cream.

I grabbed my pajamas and dried myself off in the bathroom with the door shut again. Re-emerging into our bedroom, I found George laying down, staring at the ceiling.

I crept under the covers, rested on my left side, and nuzzled my face against a shoulder. He threaded that arm under my neck until he was hugging me to his chest.

I fell asleep.

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