Donkey Boy William Ch. 07


“Remember,” Jacky said to her tall co-worker, “The black one’s mine.” Sydney simply smiled at the incongruity of it all. Six months ago she could not have imagined that she’d be doing porn. ‘But look what it got me’, Yanka had told her, flashing the large diamond ring Tim had placed on her finger. Yanka explained that Donkey Productions weren’t corporate. They were just normal if slightly oversexed people who were simply doing for money what they would be doing for free if there weren’t any money. As for the sex, you’ll be in control of the men, and Monica will put you into situations that will make your head spin.

Sydney relished Donkey’s femdom angle. She might even learn something for later consumption on her own clientele. Sydney had come to like being a domme, and she had grown into the role. The money was good, but it was also true that most of the men who paid for her services were middle-aged, with all of its implications – overweight, married, unappealing; so this would be a nice change. Donkey had studs beyond her wildest fantasies on the payroll, and there was always a chance that she’d get something out of it.

Sydney’s sex life may have been brief and uneventful before she met Yanka, but as an occupation, sex was unemotional and unfulfilling. Sydney wanted more. She wanted love. She wanted passionate sex. Nerdy Sydney would never find it, nor would domme Sydney, but Donkey Sydney? It was worth a try.

With low expectations, she was under no illusions. It was a job. The leather bra was Yanka’s suggestion, and she felt awkward clad the way she was. In the privacy of her bedroom with a paying client was one thing. But in public like this, to live forever on the Internet, Sydney was less certain. Her awkwardness heightened her other deficiency, her ungainliness, and there were some doubts as to the wisdom of her hiring.

Rex had been pulling on his penis, so despite having gotten his rocks off courtesy of Yuri, he looked ready to go again. William was unconcerned about his package, for even when flaccid he was still King William. At the moment the King’s cock was fluttering between semi-hardness and semi-softness. James, aroused as always, had sprouted the full fourteen, and his staggering boner was the first thing Sydney paid attention to when the men entered the lounge area, which was just outside the sauna.

James had a smirk on his face. He was thinking about those six orgasms Jane would allot him and William. Jacky, excited to be working with a muscular black man, sought him out and put her hand on his forearm by way of introduction. “Ooh, you’re solid,” she cooed, not letting go of his forearm. Big Bill’s penis tightened up like it was being squeezed in a vise.

James was trying to get Jane’s attention. He thought that wagging his huge, erect dick in her direction would suffice, and most days it would, but not today. Let’s see, he thought. Three orgasms each – that way there’ll be no fighting. He’d have Jane suck him off and cum in her face. That would be orgasm number one, followed by a fuck in the missionary position for the second. Third, let’s see? Maybe do her from behind, doggy-style? No, better idea, he’d jerk off for her. Would that count?

While James daydreamed Monica instructed. William and Rex assumed the position, but it took James an extra moment to realize that he was supposed to get on his hands and knees.

“This is just a walk-through,” Monica announced, the crew for how the scene would play out. Jacky turned one way, Sydney another, and James realized that the tall, nerdy girl was standing behind him. Yuri positioned himself behind Rex, which is how Monica solved the conundrum of four men and two women.

“You guys don’t mind a little poking, do you,” said Jane, lightheartedly from her nearby perch. Their body language suggested that whether they minded it or not was immaterial. They accepted its inevitability. Such were the ways of Donkey Boys. Jacky and Sydney would use dildos on William and James respectively, while Yuri would slip on a condom and ram Sexy-Rexy where it mattered most. The hook was that since it was Rex who forced Yuri to give him a blowjob in the sauna, this would be Yuri’s revenge. For the ladies there was an additional twist, but Monica held it back; the men didn’t need to know. Better if it were a surprise.

“Everybody get up and relax,” said Monica. “We’ll go in five minutes.”

Jane went looking for something to put on. When she next appeared she was wearing an oversized tee shirt that bore the logo of the club. It hung down low enough for her to preserve her modesty had she wanted to, on which the jury was still deliberating.

“This will be good practice for the main event,” William said to James, referring to their agreement.

Sydney was curious about the main event so William told her everything, and as he did it gave her a chance to flash her dimpled smile.

“Wow,” she said, nodding her head approvingly, “you guys are hardcore.”

William guffawed. He would have continued the conversation, but Jacky had forced her way in. She wasn’t into sharing the big guy. That was okay with William. He liked her. The buxom MILF was making his penis tingle. “I can’t believe I’m getting paid to work with you,” sınırsız escort he said. The compliment thrilled her, but Jacky played it as cool as she could, not such an easy task when standing next to a naked man who looked like he was chiseled out of marble, as well the possessor of a trophy penis, now dangling erotically between his legs. This is what Jacky had signed up for. To hell with Pete, her quasi pimp, to hell with James and little Tim, her previous co-stars. William was the prize on her wish list. She cupped her hands under her bra and wiggled her boobs a little. The bra was one size too small, and her boobs, already squeezed together, got pushed up even higher. It was an intoxicating elixir, from which William happily drank.

He faced his co-star with his hands on his hips, subtly shifting his position so Jacky could see his penis from its most flattering angle. It had hardened considerably, and was now nearing full-erect status. William beamed and Jacky smiled. She felt like she had just won the lottery.

James, meanwhile, was soaking up Sydney’s laid-back nature. She was pleasant to be around and easy to make conversation with, but eventually they got down to the task at hand. She told him she’d go easy on him, and James replied by saying that he had been reamed before so don’t worry about him. Sydney didn’t know what to make of that, but she knew she was standing next to the biggest boner she had ever seen. ‘Mighty big one, you got there’ were, in fact, her exact words, uttered objectively, without prejudice, although the accompanying smile was an image he’d hold on to at least until his next jack-off.

Rex was talking to Monica about something, and Jane saw an opportunity, so she slid over to Yuri, who was standing alone, fists still clenched. There was teasing to be done.

“You holding up okay,” she asked? Yuri nodded. “You must get a lot of compliments about your penis. I bet you have a lot of girlfriends.” Yuri blushed. He didn’t know how to respond, but his ‘Pinocchio’s nosed’ sex-organ was response enough.

Yuri, Jane found out, was the nephew of a wealthy businessman. His uncle had enough clout to get him a summer internship at the Japanese consulate in Los Angeles. Yuri loved Los Angeles and was sad that his job was ending in another month. What he liked the most about the city was its endless supply of blondes, which had become his latest fetish, probably because it was so different than what he was used to back home. Yuri was a player. He had been consumed with sexual thoughts ever since reaching puberty, and had been sexually active since age fifteen. It was a hobby to him as much as a passion. The old joke about being tri-sexual (‘I’ll try anything’) applied to Yuri, although his preference was men. That is not to say that he didn’t lust after women too, but just that his bisexuality was male-slanted

With men he always wanted to get down to business right away; straight sex – fucking and sucking; but with women he liked to play games. Even though Los Angeles has a large and diverse gay scene, for a young Japanese man, unfamiliar with the culture and in a job that required discretion, cruising was not an option. Thus Yuri turned exclusively to women, but he had some peccadillos in that regard.

For reasons that cannot be rationally explained, Yuri loved having women beat on him. Slapping, kicking, whipping, it didn’t matter. Unlike many submissive men, who wanted their cocks to bear the brunt of the pain, Yuri didn’t require that to get off. Being beaten aroused him so much that he got erect right away and his cock would tense up without any assistance, always leading to a satisfying orgasm, sometimes without it even being touched. While a dildo is no substitute for a penis, in the hands of the right woman it can have the same effect, as Yanka discovered. Monica liked the Donkey men to have a signature move; something unique, and Yuri’s was the ability to reach orgasm while he was being reamed. Yanka referred to it as ‘spurting fluid’ when describing it to Monica.

Yanka knew about Yuri’s unrequited gay appetite, so when she told him of a safe haven where he could engage in homosexual sex, he jumped at it. How he connected with Yanka in the first place was a quirk of fate.

Arriving in Los Angeles, and unable to attract anyone who interested him, Yuri was reduced to masturbation. But some Internet research made him aware of a burgeoning femdom scene in Little Tokyo, a Japanese enclave in town. The practice of female superiority is a well-executed art in Japan, and Yuri anticipated a brutal session of pain and degradation with a healthy dose of expertly applied S&M, but the local version was nothing special. Disappointed, he stayed at home, resumed masturbating, and had no social life. It caught the attention of others, for one day a superior at the consulate took an interest and asked him if he needed anything. It was quite fortuitous, because once the conversation veered towards sex it ultimately led to a blonde bombshell. Because of Yuri’s powerful uncle, the superior, who himself was a client of Yanka’s, suggested her to Yuri, and the young man’s world was rocked. Yanka had the ability to turn sane men into rabid dogs frothing at the mouth, but bayan arkadaş to an impressionable, young Japanese lad, who was horny and desperate for sexual satisfaction from a western woman, she had an unfair advantage, sending him beyond the limit of what his fertile imagination could even fathom. Yuri was hooked, and he began having weekly sessions with her.

Jane drew in closer. “Would it be okay if I touch it?” Again, Yuri blushed, but said nothing. To Jane it was just old-fashioned teasing, but he saw it as a humiliation. Despite that, or maybe because of that, her teasing had an effect. Jane gently rubbed her fingers and palm along the underside of his shaft. Using her thumb to massage his cock-head and pee-hole, she was suddenly cognizant of a wet, sticky substance. Oh no, she thought, pre-cum. Jane took a step back. “Sorry, Yuri. Hold it in. You can do it, don’t cum.”

But it might have been too late. Yuri was already horny from the scene in a sauna, and it would not have taken much to send him over the edge. Jane knew the power she had, so she wasn’t surprised at his reaction, but she was only planting seeds for the future. He wasn’t supposed to cum now, right before his scene, but the poor boy was giving indications that he was on the verge of spilling his seed. Jane panicked and reacted instinctively. Taking a step back, she launched her long leg in a ferocious kick that landed squarely on Yuri’s balls. It was a perfect storm of a kick. Had she tried to do it twenty times perhaps once her foot would have landed where it did, but this was that one time. It was a crushing blow. Yuri yelped in pain and crumbled to the ground. It got everyone’s attention. He rolled on the ground in agony.

Monica glared. “What did you do to him,” she asked?”

“I only touched it a little.”

“Well then, how did he end up on the ground?”

“Oh yeah,” Jane replied, “I kicked him. But I wasn’t trying for a knockout. I thought he might cum so I kicked him…I guess my aim was too good.”

Left unsaid was why Yuri happened to be on the verge of cumming, but it worked. Yuri did not cum, he did not spurt fluid. Jane was incorrigible, but Monica loved her, so everything blew over, especially as Yuri was none the worse for wear. While slightly embarrassed, he came out of it okay. These Americans sure had a strange way of doing things, he observed. And that she-demon, what was up with her?

His hurt feelings mollified by a healthy dose of Monica-compassion, Yuri said he’d be ready to go in a minute, as he rubbed his testicles, but maybe it would help if he got a little stimulation. He looked over at Rex, who looked at Monica, who nodded her assent, so the muscle man quickly got down on his knees. If the end justified the means, Yuri had no cause for complaint. His cock reacted quite favorably Rex’s mouth, and all was well.

Sydney’s hand felt soothing as she rubbed ointment over James’ butthole. Ungainliness? She looked pretty graceful to James when she strapped on the dildo. He really, really liked her dimpled, devilish smile. He had no idea that she was a domme-in-training, or a cohort of Yanka’s. James simply saw a college girl trying to earn extra money. Maybe he should have read more into the look she had just given him, a look that suggested that they were about to engage in a perfectly normal endeavor. It was just a woman wearing an artificial penis, thrusting it into a man’s rectum. Nothing to see here; move along. Her casual attitude enabled him to relax.

Jacky couldn’t resist reaching down and giving William some fondling action. Fucking him would be much more fun if he were aroused, and her stud boy was up for it. This really wasn’t her thing, but it was an opportunity to work with William, which was good enough for her. She looked over at Sydney and smiled. The cameras were already rolling, capturing the men in the submissive position as the ladies lorded over them.

Yuri’s condom was virtually invisible, and his cock jutted out prominently, stopping about an inch from Rex’s backside. Monica gave the signal.

It was déjà vu for William, although Jacky’s subtle and sensual fragrance let him know that he wasn’t on a gay film set. He paid attention to her exertions, timed her movements, and began to rock in conjunction to her thrusting. In no time they were in harmony.

Sydney was already experienced in wielding an artificial penis, and her height made for a smooth entrance into James’ nether region. From her paying customers she knew what worked and what didn’t, and she used all her skill to hit the right spot. She wanted to make a good impression, which she did. James shuddered. Although this was supposed to be punishment, he wasn’t put off by it. Jesus, it was even starting to feel good. She acted like she knew what she was doing, which made him wonder. But he eventually succumbed to the pleasure and focused all his thoughts on the here and now. So this is where Pete was coming from when he boasted about having his prostate massaged.

Meanwhile, Yuri had pounced on Rex like a dog on red meat. He was horny and had already suffered a close call. The muscle man was getting pummeled, but was taking it pretty good. He didn’t have to take it for long though, for sarıyer escort Yuri’s grunting rapidly increased in furor, and this time Jane’s foot wasn’t there to throw him off, and he quickly augmented his ecstatic cries with a statement of intent that left no doubt what was in his immediate future.

“Pull out, Yuri,” implored Monica. But it was too late. The young man began to rock his body spasmodically, waves of ecstasy overcame him, and the director knew that she had lost her cum shot.

Seeing the disappointment on Monica’s face and realizing his error, Yuri tried to make up for it by removing the condom and squeezing the white liquid stuff out onto his hand. He then did a very strange thing, something he had once seen on a Japanese video. Facing his hand towards the camera, he smeared the lens with his spilt semen. Later, when viewing the footage, Monica almost wet herself. What kind of sick deviate would do something like that? A Donkey deviate, that’s who, another notch on her belt for their quirky art form. Yuri was a natural; all he needed was some seasoning. She wouldn’t object to giving him some personal direction. And yes, her vibrator would get another good workout that evening.

At a prearranged moment Jacky and Sydney slowed down their thrusting, looked over at each other and nodded. Sydney used her leverage to flip James over onto his back and maneuver his legs up into the air. Deftly using her body to slip in between them, she had easy access to her destination, which was James’ bunghole. She was now in her element. Domme Sydney took over. It was a confident Sydney, a transformed Sydney, a Sydney in control, radiating before the cameras. James saw it too, but what he saw was diabolical cleverness, and he had a sinking feeling that the pleasantries were about to end.

“Listen up, motherfucker,” hissed the ungainly, nerdy science major with the thick, ugly glasses, “this is what we’re gonna do.”

Jacky looked over at the other couple. Damn, that tall girl was showing her up. Jacky had bungled the move to flip William. Femdom was not her specialty. Lucky for her she was partnered with a pro, and William, who saw what the other two had done, was able to take charge and lead Jacky into the move. However, they were supposed to have done it in sync with James and Sydney, which they had not done.

It wasn’t that big of a setback, but Monica was a little perturbed. First Jane nutmegs one of the actors, he then botches his cum shot, and now this.

Monica had Yuri and Rex stand up in front of the other players. Yuri snuggled in tight, and the muscle man reciprocated by putting his arm around his shoulder. Yuri’s cock was firm; with Rex it was difficult to tell, but it didn’t matter. It was background material, but a wonderful juxtaposition to the other thing that was going on, just the sort of attention to detail that defined the Donkey brand.

“Jerk it, you motherfucker,” Sydney barked at her submissive victim. She had her arms wrapped around his legs, pinning James into a position from which there was no escape. “You got a big, motherfucking cock. Beat your fucking meat, you miserable, fucking piece of shit! And you better cum too, ’cause I’ll fuck you ’til you bleed. And I ain’t stopping ’til you cum.” To prove her point, Sydney reamed James as forcefully as she could. It was riveting stuff. It became hard for Jacky and William to concentrate, and there was no longer any doubt whether Rex had a boner.

James was definitely not in a safe haven, as the experience had taken a turn for the worse, but he tried to look at the bright side. Showing off his cock and beating it for the Amazon with the suggestive smile, what could be better than that? If he could only ignore the pressure and stress engulfing his body. He grabbed his massive tool, stroking it gently at first, still disoriented by the action going on in his rectum. All of a sudden and quite by surprise, Sydney leaned forward and slapped him across the face. Not as hard as she was capable of doing, but hard enough to know that she meant business.

“I didn’t say play with it, motherfucker, I said jerk it!” A few forceful, piston-pumping gyrations gave her command a little more credence, and James started to stroke his cock with all his might. As a reward, Sydney eased up a little, and James was able to block out any unpleasantries and focus on the positive, which was that he had found a good groove, had created some good agitation, and could feel the tension building inside his shaft. James was familiar with the sensation; he knew what it meant. He had crossed over to the other side. It was too late to reverse course; he was going to ejaculate. Seconds later James was whispering in a low voice, “oh yeah, oh yeah, here it comes,” and his chest got flooded as cascades of love juice erupted out of his pee-hole. There was no loud grunting or shrieking, just low whispers, as if his ordeal had spent his energy. But the orgasm was certainly energized. There were large blasts of semen, and there were small blasts; but they kept coming without pause or predictability. Eight seconds, twelve seconds, fifteen seconds, James kept jerking, and sperm kept spilling. The voluminous white stuff found its way up to his neck and shoulders. His hand and arm was drenched. Sydney, in awe, stopped pumping to watch. The humungous tool was spewing out cum like a machine; it fascinated her. Had James been able to focus, he would have seen one of those dimpled, devilish smiles that intrigued him so.

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